HS Skills Training Program

Physical activity has benefits at every age, and helps kids:

  • keep their heart and lungs strong and healthy,
  • become more flexible,
  • develop strong bones,
  • keep a healthy body weight,
  • lower the risk of several diseases and health problems,
  • improve their mood and self-esteem,
  • increase self-confidence,
  • encourage teamwork and participation and
  • do better in school.


Together with Kyle Essery of Healthy Solutions, a local personal trainer, Youth Diversion developed the HS Skills Training Program in the Summer of 2019.  The 8 week-long pilot program was developed with youth ages 10 – 17 in mind with the goal to navigate young people towards living a healthier lifestyle, both in body and mind.


Each week, youth set personal goals, engaged in physical fitness, participated in the lesson of the day and engaged in mindfulness.  Physical activity — including “learning to move” — was part of each session. Setting goals and keeping a journal to track progress, as well as yoga, meditation and circuit training were all part of the eight-week long pilot program.


The program’s focus was on overall health, stressing the importance of being physically active and eating healthy foods every day.  The goal was to aid participants in developing habits that will last a lifetime. 

HS Skills Program was a pilot program that would not have been possible without the tremendous support and dedication of our volunteers and community partners who contributed to the overall success. 

The program was run once a week for eight weeks out of the Sandwich Teen Action Group, 3375 King St., Windsor, ON.


Stay tuned for more information on upcoming HS Skills Training Program opportunities!

 #whycanteverydaybeHSSkillsDay #HSSkillsTraining #movementismedicine



Dedicated volunteers and YD staff.

You can find our referral form and process by visiting our Referral Page.