Youth Justice Services

At Youth Diversion, we are committed to providing youth with meaningful opportunities to take accountability for their actions while addressing the underlying factors contributing to their behaviour. Through our Youth Justice services, we support youth in navigating the justice system through restorative, community-based interventions that promote personal growth and reduce recidivism.

Our Youth Justice Programs

Extrajudicial Measures (EJM)

Goal: To address minor offenses outside of the formal justice system, focusing on early intervention, accountability, and behaviour change without a criminal record.

Eligible Offenses:

  • First-time or low-risk offenses such as minor theft, mischief, or disturbances.


  • Youth with little or no prior involvement with the justice system.

  • The youth must accept responsibility for their actions.

Exclusionary Criteria:

  • Youth who deny responsibility for the offense.

  • Offenses involving significant violence or harm to others.

  • Repeat offenders with a history of multiple similar offenses.

  • Youth who fail to comply with prior EJM agreements.

How It Works:
Extrajudicial Measures offer youth an alternative to formal court proceedings by addressing minor offenses outside of the judicial system. These measures focus on early intervention and may include:

  • Police warnings and cautions

  • Referrals to community-based programs

  • Restorative justice approaches such as apologies, mediation, or community service

EJM provides an opportunity for youth to acknowledge their actions, make amends, and engage in positive behavior changes without receiving a criminal record.

Extrajudicial Sanctions (EJS)

Goal: To provide youth with meaningful consequences while avoiding formal court proceedings, emphasizing rehabilitation, restitution, and community-based accountability.

Eligible Offenses:

  • More serious but non-violent offenses such as property crimes, repeated minor offenses, or incidents requiring greater accountability.


  • Youth must take responsibility for their actions.

  • Youth must comply with assigned sanctions such as community service, restitution, or educational programs.

Exclusionary Criteria:

  • Youth who deny responsibility for the offense.

  • Offenses involving severe violence, weapons, or threats to public safety.

  • Cases where the victim strongly opposes alternative resolution measures.

  • Youth who have previously failed to complete an EJS agreement.

How It Works:
Extrajudicial Sanctions provide an alternative resolution for youth who have committed more serious offenses and require additional accountability measures beyond EJM. Youth who qualify for EJS must actively participate in agreed-upon sanctions, which may include:

  • Community service projects

  • Educational workshops focused on decision-making, substance use, or anger management

  • Written or verbal apologies to victims

  • Restitution or repair of harm caused

  • Participation in restorative justice circles

Successful completion of EJS allows youth to avoid a formal criminal record while addressing the root causes of their behavior in a constructive manner.

Youth Justice Committees (YJC)

Youth Justice Committees facilitate restorative justice forums where youth, victims, and community members engage in meaningful dialogue to repair harm and find solutions that foster accountability and healing. Each forum is guided by trained staff and volunteers and provides youth with a structured environment to:

  • Understand the impact of their actions on victims and the community

  • Take responsibility for their behaviour

  • Develop a plan to repair harm and prevent future offenses

YJC forums encourage youth to actively participate in a process that promotes empathy, accountability, and positive decision-making.

Next Steps: Referral & Participation

Referrals to our programs are received directly from police services and court administration. Once a referral is received, a Youth Diversion designate will schedule an appointment with the youth and their family to explain the program and determine eligibility.

Program Expectations

  • Parents and/or guardians are encouraged to attend with the youth.
  • Eligible youth enter into an agreement that outlines specific behavioral conditions, which may include:
    • Personal or written apology to victim(s)
    • Personal service to victim(s)
    • Community service to a non-profit or government agency
    • Restitution or return of property to victim(s)
    • Donation to a registered charity
    • Participation in cultural or spiritual activities (for Indigenous youth)
    • Attendance and participation in a community counseling or intervention program
    • Completion of an educational essay or poster
    • Supervision by a Youth Worker until all conditions are met
    • Where a victim is available and consents, participation in a victim-offender reconciliation program

Program Duration & Completion

  • Agreements typically last for three months, but can be extended based on individual needs.
  • Upon successful completion, the youth’s charge(s) will not be laid, or if already laid, will be stayed.
  • If the youth fails to meet the terms of the program, the agreement is terminated, and the charge(s) will proceed through Youth Court.

A Youth Diversion designate is available to answer any questions regarding the referral process or program criteria.

Why Restorative Justice?

Our Youth Justice services are rooted in restorative justice principles, which prioritize healing, accountability, and community involvement. By providing youth with the tools and support needed to make better choices, we create opportunities for personal growth and safer communities.

Referral & Participation

Youth are referred to our programs through police services and Crown attorneys. Participants are required to fully engage in their assigned interventions and demonstrate a commitment to making positive changes.

For more information on our Youth Justice Services or to make a referral, please contact us at:
📞 (519) 253-3340

Together, we can help youth build a brighter future while fostering safer communities.